Tag: North America

A photo of Place Charles De Gaulle - Bayeux, France

Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories

During World War II, the USA and UK plotted to place France under Allied administration after the war, instead of restoring the French government. Why would they consider this, and how different would the world today be if this had gone through? This article examines the political context and the personalities behind what happened.
A photo of Hearst Castle - California, USA

Hearst Castle

You expect to find castles everywhere in Europe. You can barely drive for an hour without seeing signs for some stately home, castle or palace here. I wasn’t expecting to
A photo of a Dolce Havana, framed by its ingredients

Dolce Havana Cocktail

Travel with me to the sunny Caribbean island of Cuba – where the times are a-changing, even though it looks like the 1960s – with this recipe for a summery