Tag: Karlin

A photo of the Invalidovna building

Prague’s Invalidovna

If you ask many people in Prague about 'Invalidovna' they'd be more likely to direct you to the metro stop of that name. Few know of the magnificent Baroque building which is the real Invalidovna.
A photo of Troja Most - Prague, Czechia

The Bridges of Prague

Prague’s lengthy promenades along the river Vltava are one of the most underrated features of the city. Walking along them using the bridges as stepping stones provides you with a great
A photo of Prague Tesnov Train Station - Prague, Czechia

Lost Prague – Tesnov Train Station

Like any city, Prague has lost certain elements of its past to the mists of time. Now, these items live on only as a name whose significance few understand. The lost train station at Tešnov is one such element of Prague's past.