Tag: 13th Century

A photo of the church-tower - Žulová, Czechia

Frydberk castle

The criminals who built Frydberk ? castle terrorised the Bohemian countryside in mediaeval times. Conquered, plundered, turned into a ? brewery and then the Church built a place of worship out of its tower. This is the castle's amazing story ?
A photo of the gate and entrance to Český Šternberk castle

Český Šternberk Castle

It’s not everyday you find castles still owned by the original family. Czechia's Český Šternberk ? towers over the town of the same name, and is one of the few in the world to make that claim ?
A photo of the view on Bezděz castle - Liberec, Czechia

How to see a quarter of Bohemia in one go

About an hour's drive north-east of Prague, the Gothic Bezděz castle watches over the region of Liberec. The view from the top of the Devil's Tower is such that you can see one-eighth of the entire country!
A photo of the view from the castle - Oslo, Norway

The crazy and odd ghost stories of Oslo Castle

The cold air, buffeted by Arctic temperatures, billowed around me as I strolled across the pedestrianised square in front of Oslo's Rathuset, or City Hall. I dodged one of the clunky blue trams as I headed towards the fortifications of the city's Akershus Castle.
A photo of Jičin architecture - Jičin, Czechia

Jičin – A scenic Bohemian pit stop

Driving through Bohemia heading to (or from) Poland means driving through some beautiful landscapes. If you're looking for a pit stop but don't want a faceless motorway cafe, I'd recommend a quick diversion to the quaint town of Jičin.
A photo of one of the first postal sledges - Nymburk, Czechia

Loučeň Castle

Most stately homes and castles in Czechia close for the winter months. I suppose not many people enjoy traipsing around an unheated building when it’s -20 C outside. Loučeň castle is