Spain, like Portugal, has many reasons to be a great tourist destination. Listing them doesn’t begin to do the place justice. The Iberian peninsula isn’t always thought of as a historical powerhouse but their position as a world superpower disposes that notion very easily.
Articles about Spain, by region
Select one of the Spanish regions to drill down and see articles and stories connected to it.
All my Spain articles
- A church for a cousin January 20, 2025 - In the 11th century the Duke of Aquitaine built an abbey in exchange for permission to marry a relative of his. It sounds like the ultimate form of privilege but… Continue Reading
- The 1923 Spanish gambling ban January 4, 2024 - The town hall building in San Sebastian, built in the 1880s, has a rich history including the gambling ban in 1923. The ban led to the building's closure for almost… Continue Reading
- The siege of Barbastro – the pre-crusade June 22, 2023 - In the 11th century, Musim-controlled Spain was under attack from Roman Catholic Europe. One key siege was a turning point in how the church viewed war as a tool of… Continue Reading
- Blue eyes in the Mediterranean March 9, 2020 - Thomas McGill’s 19th century tourist guide to Malta is fascinating for the way he describes Malta with a foreigner's eyes. I’ve used him as a reference before and many anecdotes… Continue Reading
- Spanish steps February 10, 2020 - Rome’s Spanish steps are an iconic image of the city. People have loitered on the stairs since the 16th century. Not everyone knows the reason behind the name. Why would… Continue Reading
- The mystical messianic troglodyte of Comino January 20, 2020 - One early scholar of Kabbalah was a 13th century mystic called Abraham Abulafia. He had visions, tried to convince the Pope of his reasoning and lived in Malta. But who… Continue Reading
- The Infant Jesus of Prague August 12, 2019 - The Infant Jesus of Prague statue is a key point of interest for many tourists visiting Prague's Church of Our Lady Victorious. This article explains the legends behind it, and… Continue Reading
- The Lasting effects of the Thirty Years’ War November 26, 2018 - I've written plenty of articles about the effects of the 30 Years' war on Prague and Czechia in general. I knew bits and pieces of the story so I decided… Continue Reading
- Illuminati symbols in Catholic Churches? September 11, 2017 - As I explore and stroll through churches and public buildings I can't help but notice patterns and symbols. Often, these symbols explain something to me. The Illuminati all-seeing eye had… Continue Reading
- How to Drink Coffee Like a Local June 1, 2015 - You can study the tourist guide as much as you like, you can make sure to avoid looking at a map when you're on holiday and you can even perfect your… Continue Reading
- Enjoying an alternative 24h in Seville April 27, 2015 - Seville - the 2,200-year-old capital of Andalusia. Phoenician, Roman, Arabic, Spanish. This magnificent city is a beautiful testament to the melting pot that is European civilisation and definitely worth a… Continue Reading
- Enjoying 24 hours amidst the secrets of Cadiz! March 9, 2015 - Cadiz is magnificently contained in a small area making a tour of the city incredibly easy to carry out. I was there earlier this year as part of my New Year’s… Continue Reading
- The Simple and Exciting Crossing to Africa February 9, 2015 - Over the New Year, I travelled through 5 countries and 2 continents by crossing over from the European mainland to Africa. The crossing itself should have been a routine boat… Continue Reading
- Iberian Road Trip Review January 19, 2015 - In December, I wrote about my plans to go on a road trip for my New Year's holiday. The reality did not disappoint as I drove, drank and ate my… Continue Reading
- New Year’s Road Trip December 15, 2014 - A few months' ago, just as the summer was peaking, I turned my mind to thoughts of a New Year's holiday. It's worth planning ahead, even if there are always… Continue Reading