Archives: Events

Clam-Gallas tours

The historic Clam-Gallas palace is running free tours for the holiday, along with many other establishments. Reservations required because it will be a popular destination.

The Merchant of Venice

It's not every day you can enjoy theatre performances in English in Prague. The Shakespeare company performs The Merchant of Venice for one night only!

Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival

Rudolfinum Alšovo nábřezi 79/12, Staré město, Prague, Czech Republic

This year's Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival closes with a performance by the acclaimed Jean-Efflam Bavouzet.

Free access to National Gallery

The National Gallery will be open for free on Sunday 17th. Exhibitions aside, Schwarzenberg palace really merits a visit of its own.

Troja Castle SIGNAL light show

Troja Castle Troja Castle, U Trojského zámku 4/1, Prague 7, Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

No reservation needed


Kino Eats

Manifesto Market Ostrovského 34, Praha 5-Anděl, Prague, Czech Republic

Christmas films are part of the tradition right? (Die Hard's seasonal, right?) Manifesto Market's turning this into a group event. Start with Love Actually.


Home Alone (Christmas feature)

At Manifesto market, Andel
