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Bruce Webers Exhibition

I'm looking forward to the Bruce Weber photography exhibition at the Stone Bell House. Vogue, GQ, Vanity Fair - He rivals Helmut Newton in my book.

Lights Tell Stories … 

Žluté lázně Podolské nábřezi 3/1184, Podoli

Over 100 light sculptures connect space with the festivities after dark. Better than the repetitive Christmas markets, and there's mulled wine too! Open daily from 16:00 to 19:00.

Helena Wilson: Photography

House of Photography Revoluční 1006/5, Staré Město

A unique Czech-Canadian perspective on life through the lens of Helena Wilson. It's great to see Prague honouring its underground artists like this.

Ice skating

Since it's that time of the year, ice rinks have started popping up around the city. For expats and locals, the one in Letna offers free access to kids under 15.

Free access to National Gallery

The National Gallery will be open for free on Sunday 17th. Exhibitions aside, Schwarzenberg palace really merits a visit of its own.


Fotogrammi di moda italiana

Italian Cultural Institute Šporkova 14, Mala Strana

Iconic movie dresses worn by legendary actresses like Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, and Gina Lollobrigida are currently showcased at the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague. Among them is Anita Ekberg’s renowned black gown from Federico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita.
