
A photo of the warrior mermaid - Warsaw, Poland

One of the fastest-growing countries in Europe lies further east than many would expect. Poland has the potential to become one of the continent’s next movers and shakers.

I have to confess I did not know much about Poland. I knew of Lech Walesa and Solidarnosc because that was in the news when the Iron Curtain collapsed.

From my trips there, I see Poland is a vibrant modern country with lots to offer. The countryside is spectacular and I’m told that the Baltic coast is worth visiting. (Even if my roots make me wonder if any coast line could compare to the Med!). The cities of Warsaw and Krakow are clear signs of a stable, prosperous and vibrant country.

A photo of a bridge over the River Vistula - Warsaw, Poland

Articles about Poland, by region

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All my Poland articles