Category: Legends

Legends and folk tales play a large part of our lives whether we realise this or not. In many cases, there may be a grain of truth in these stories and I have done my best to research those grains in these articles.

A photo of the Black Sun - Prague, Czechia

The Black Sun of Prague

I’ve written about symbols visible in Celetna Street in Prague – The Black Madonna, the White Peacock and the Powder Tower. At No 8, you can see a decorative Baroque symbol of
A photo of the facade of St Vitius Cathedral - Prague, Czechia

The Myth of Sylvanus

Throughout the ages, man had a certain respect for nature. Many cultures imagined that there must be some spirit or god responsible for nature and the wilderness. The Romans called
The statuette of the Sleeping Lady found in the Hypogeum

Hypogeum – The Land that Time Forgot

If you're planning a trip to Malta and fancy visiting the oldest prehistoric temple that is completely underground, I would highly recommend a visit to the Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni in the southern part of the island.