Category: History

These stories are straight from history books and are a living testament to what happened in these places.

A photo of Barbastro today

The siege of Barbastro – the pre-crusade

In the 11th century, Musim-controlled Spain was under attack from Roman Catholic Europe. One key siege was a turning point in how the church viewed war as a tool of foreign policy. This article explores the impact of the siege, and how it influenced the Crusades.
A photo of a British Royal Air Force Vulcan bomber

The RAF Vulcan crash in Malta

In 1975, a British RAF Vulcan bomber exploded as it approached the runway of Malta's airport. That few cilivians died is near-miraculous. This article describes what happened and the view on the ground.
A photo of the Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress

Air Battle over the Ore Mountains

On 11 September 1944, a massive, intense air battle took place over the mountains between Germany and what was then Czechoslovakia. The memory of this battle is still alive today.
A photo of Malostranské Náměstí (The Lesser town square) from above - Prague, Czechia

Double agent Colonel Alfred Redl

Colonel Alfred Redl was chief of intelligence for Austro-Hungary at the beginning of the 20th century. He also was a double-agent for Russia, France and Italy. There is a direct connection between his actions and the start of World War I. This article is his story.
A photo of ethnic Germans awaiting trains to take them to Germany - Strossmayerovo Namesti, Prague, Czechia

The German expulsion

I've written lots about how Germany and German influences affected Bohemia and Czechia. This is what led to a backlash after World War II. This article explores the little-known story of how Czechoslovakia expelled Germans after the war.
A photo of the second sunset - Prague, Czechia

The solstice and the double-sunset

Prague is full of esoteric and exotic features, which makes a random walk around the city a magnificent way of spotting all that the City of a Hundred Spires has to offer. If you're in Prague on the summer solstice, you can watch the sun set twice on the same day if you're around the Charles Bridge.
A photo of HMS Marlborough, location unknown

Russian exiles in Malta

Mentioning exiled Russians these days suggests pro-Ukrainian protesters or anti-Putin demonstrators. Malta's reputation as a haven for Russians goes back more than 100 years before Putin's antics.
A photo of the old labour camp

The Red Tower of Death

In western Czechia, there is a grim reminder of how the Communists treated prisoners. This article explains what the Red Tower of Death is, and why it exists.
A photo of the fake ruins - Dejvice, Prague

The fake ruins of Baba

Europe is full of ruins that paint a delightful picture of its turbulent past. It's not every day you can see ruins that are as artificial as a fast food joint. Prague's ruins of Baba are one such fake ruin.