It seems so far away doesn’t it? Perhaps it really is that far, but it’s effects laid the foundations of the 20th, and that prepared the world for what it is today.
From the growth of the British Empire, to the rise of a unified Germany, this century gave life to horrific stories of brutality and delightful tales of whimsy that populate these pages.
All my 19th Century articles
St Clements in Pořiči March 26, 2025 - Near Prague's city centre, but not quite close enough, St Clement's church is possibly one of the oldest religious structures in the city. It is more than 1000 years' old. Continue Reading
A church for a cousin January 20, 2025 - In the 11th century the Duke of Aquitaine built an abbey in exchange for permission to marry a relative of his. It sounds like the ultimate form of privilege but… Continue Reading
The lost anti-Viking defence system August 28, 2024 - In the late 10th century, France faced with an economic crisis and an uneasy peace with the Vikings. Would the Vikings attack again? Or was their recent attempt at peace going… Continue Reading
HMS Orwell March 27, 2024 - In 1903, a British navy drill off Corfu ended disastrously when HMS Orwell collided with HMS Pioneer during a night exercise. Continue Reading
The 1923 Spanish gambling ban January 4, 2024 - The town hall building in San Sebastian, built in the 1880s, has a rich history including the gambling ban in 1923. The ban led to the building's closure for almost… Continue Reading
The Hilsner Affair December 5, 2023 - Anti-Jewish sentiment has long been a problem - even before the Nazis. This article describes the infamous Hilsner affair from Bohemia. Continue Reading
Double agent Colonel Alfred Redl February 22, 2023 - Colonel Alfred Redl was chief of intelligence for Austro-Hungary at the beginning of the 20th century. He also was a double-agent for Russia, France and Italy. There is a direct… Continue Reading
The lost cathedral of St Nicholas December 2, 2022 - In Famagusta, Cyprus, there is a building that used to be a cathedral dedicated to St Nicholas. It saw major events of the country's history and is now a mosque. Continue Reading
The Red Tower of Death September 5, 2022 - In western Czechia, there is a grim reminder of how the Communists treated prisoners. This article explains what the Red Tower of Death is, and why it exists. Continue Reading
The fake ruins of Baba July 20, 2022 - Europe is full of ruins that paint a delightful picture of its turbulent past. It's not every day you can see ruins that are as artificial as a fast food… Continue Reading
Sensational Egyptian imagery in a Catholic church May 28, 2022 - There is a Roman Catholic church in Prague which has Egyptian imagery on its walls. Since Catholicism tried to get rid of many pagan rituals, why would they represent Mary… Continue Reading
The Maltese chapel of bones March 1, 2021 - I’ve written about Czech ossuaries before, and I’ve visited the one in Paris, but few know there is a Maltese chapel of bones. Well, there used to be one anyway. Continue Reading
Learn all about Malta’s lost Orsi Tower September 7, 2020 - We are so focused on preserving historical buildings that we often don’t realise how many already disappeared for one reason or another. Orsi tower used to stand guard at the… Continue Reading
Prague’s Invalidovna August 24, 2020 - If you ask many people in Prague about 'Invalidovna' they'd be more likely to direct you to the metro stop of that name. Few know of the magnificent Baroque building… Continue Reading
Learn how Portugal helped Malta in its time of need July 20, 2020 - If you ask people how Malta fought against French occupation, most will talk about how the British helped the Maltese out. Few know that the Portuguese navy played the decisive… Continue Reading
The Rotunda of the finding of the Holy Cross July 13, 2020 - Prague's early chapels and churches seem to all have been rotundas. At least, that's all we seem to have left. Close to the Vltava river, almost overshadowed by newer buildings,… Continue Reading
Why did the Pope want to move to Malta? June 1, 2020 - In the 19th century, various states on the Italian peninsula united to become a single, new country. While some papal states merged with the others, the Vatican refused to be… Continue Reading
The improvements to Bouzov castle May 11, 2020 - Many people marvel at European historical sites. Few realise that what we see today may be quite different from what was in use. People restored, rebuilt or enhanced many sites… Continue Reading
The powerful Anglo-Egyptian Bank in Malta May 4, 2020 - In the 19th century an offshore British bank in Malta issued its own banknotes. It's unusual to think of a private company issuing banknotes, more so in a small country… Continue Reading
The Battle of Ferozeshah April 20, 2020 - British forces fought wars all over India in the 18th and 19th century. Between tribal feuds, and the British, there were many sources of conflict. This article describes the Battle… Continue Reading
St Martin’s rotunda April 13, 2020 - I'm fascinated by the rotundas in Prague. This city has more of them than I'd ever seen in my life. St Martin's rotunda sits inside the Vyšehrad castle complex and… Continue Reading
Italian political prisoners in Czechia March 30, 2020 - One of the most dangerous secret societies in 19th century Italy was the Carbonari. Fighting for a united Italy, many across Europe feared them and what they represented. This article… Continue Reading
Every parents’ worst nightmare: The carnival deaths February 24, 2020 - In the 19th century, the monks at the convent annexed to the Ta' Giezu church in Valletta would help young boys stay out of mischief during carnival. They would pray… Continue Reading
The mysterious secret of Dr James Barry December 2, 2019 - There weren’t many female physicians in the 19th century. Irishwoman Margaret Bulkley pretended to be a man for over 40 years to practise medicine. This article explains how this happened,… Continue Reading
A photographic ode to Holešovice November 25, 2019 - If there is one constant in life, it’s that things never remain the same. Like all neighbourhoods, the one I live in, Holešovice, changes too. This article is a photographic… Continue Reading
Frydberk castle November 18, 2019 - The criminals who built Frydberk ? castle terrorised the Bohemian countryside in mediaeval times. Conquered, plundered, turned into a ? brewery and then the Church built a place of worship… Continue Reading
In exile in Malta November 11, 2019 - The town of Sliema, Malta, is marked with high-rise apartment blocks and frustrating traffic. It was not always so and people have fond memories of days gone by. Few talk… Continue Reading
The truth behind the Sudetenland November 4, 2019 - Before living in Prague I thought I knew about the Sudetenland and how Hitler annexed it before World War II. There’s a lot I’ve learnt about the nuances of history… Continue Reading
The Punctation of Olomouc: Prussia vs Austria October 21, 2019 - The small town of Olomouc in Moravia is the place were the issue of German unity became a sore point in the 19th century between expansionist Prussia and dominant Austria.… Continue Reading
Prague’s pentecostal uprising September 9, 2019 - In 1848, Prague citizens rebelled against their Austro-Hungarian rulers. Was this similar to the French revolution, also in 1848? Or was it a sign of something deeper than that? ?My… Continue Reading
Český Šternberk Castle August 26, 2019 - It’s not everyday you find castles still owned by the original family. Czechia's Český Šternberk ? towers over the town of the same name, and is one of the few… Continue Reading
The Chapel of Our Lady of Divine Grace August 19, 2019 - The old adage claims there are 356 chapels and churches in Malta, 1 for every day of the year! One tiny often neglected chapel is dedicated to Our Lady of… Continue Reading
The hidden secret of the Leiden explosion December 3, 2018 - Standards around handling gunpowder were lax in the early 19th century. In the Netherlands this led to the Leiden explosion that rocked the city. The authorities immediately covered up the… Continue Reading
Do you know about the explosion in Birgu? November 5, 2018 - One of Malta's worst peacetime disasters took place in 1806. A military gunpowder store exploded in Birgu, across the harbour from Valletta. Continue Reading
The Lost Walls of Prague’s New Town October 15, 2018 - I've written about the walls of Prague's Old Town, which the city destroyed. It's unfortunate they removed such a historical feature. Once Prague had a New Town and external fortifications… Continue Reading
How did the British take control of Malta? October 8, 2018 - I often discuss Maltese history with others and have written about unusual parts of it here. Often people claims that ‘the British illegally took control’ of the Maltese islands. This is… Continue Reading
From death to delight – Msida, Malta July 3, 2018 - Towns evolve for various reasons and we often marvel at how different things were in the past. It doesn't take too long for some stories to fade into obscurity which… Continue Reading
The superstition behind Charles Bridge May 7, 2018 - Every visitor to Prague ends up on the Charles Bridge. There is a magnificent view of the castle and the city from there, so it isn't surprising the bridge is… Continue Reading
Puck’s castle February 26, 2018 - It was late morning when Francois, Helene and I, after visiting two other historical places around Dublin, stopped to take a look at the rundown Puck's Castle. There is not much left… Continue Reading
- The Possessed Fairy Tale Farmhouse February 12, 2018 - If a building is abandoned for a long enough time, it doesn't take long before stories about hauntings begin to emerge. In Czechia, the Fairy Tale Farmhouse has attracted a few… Continue Reading
The Belgians know Tsar Peter’s secret February 5, 2018 - The National Park in Brussels, right in front of the Royal Palace, is a welcome touch of greenery in the city. But why would the Belgians commemorate the spot in… Continue Reading
St Christopher and the Alchemist December 18, 2017 - Prague's Charles Bridge is adorned with statues that accompany tourists on their walk across the Vltava river. St Christopher's statue is one of the more recent, but also full of… Continue Reading
Konopiště Castle and World War I September 25, 2017 - No more than a 30-minute train ride south of Prague you can visit Konopiště castle. This is where the Archduke Franz Ferdinand travelled from when he went to Sarajevo and… Continue Reading
The con man who sold the Eiffel Tower April 17, 2017 - One of the smoothest con men who ever lived managed to fool people into buying France's Eiffel Tower from him. Twice. His name is Victor Lustig and he was Czech.… Continue Reading
Egypt and Malta – Unusual Historical Connections March 20, 2017 - Ask anyone in Malta to direct you to the Mosta Dome and you'll get immediate directions. Not all churches on the island are as well-known as this one is. Not… Continue Reading
The Obelisk that Moved December 26, 2016 - In Malta, driving towards Valletta, you see a large obelisk amidst the many lanes of traffic fighting their way to work. This monument is Spencer Obelisk and has a connection… Continue Reading
The Two Suns of Prague December 19, 2016 - An enigmatic cartouche of two suns watches you as you walk up to Prague's famous Castle complex. On either end of the suns, two faces in profile look in opposite directions;… Continue Reading
Slapping a French Empress in Turkey February 15, 2016 - Once you cross the Bosphorus Straits from Europe to Asia, one of the first places you can visit is Beylerbeyi Palace. This is where you would slap a French Empress… Continue Reading
How to Celebrate a Failed Assassination March 30, 2015 - As you head north-by-north-west from the city centre of Vienna, the old centre of the Austro-Hungarian empire, it won't be long before you reach the Ringstrasse that marks the old… Continue Reading