Tag: 20th Century

A photo of the organ and choir at St Clementine's - Prague, Czechia

St Clements in Pořiči

Near Prague's city centre, but not quite close enough, St Clement's church is possibly one of the oldest religious structures in the city. It is more than 1000 years' old.
A photo of Selimiye mosque - Nicosia, TRNC

The lost Cathedral of St Sophia

In occupied Cyprus, across the demilitarised zone in Nicosia, the French gothic cathedral of St Sophia is now Selimiye mosque. The building was at the heart of Cypriot crusader history, with many stories in its past. Today, tourists wonder at something that looks like European architecture is a mosque. This article explains the cathedral history, its significance and the current mosque.
A photo of Place Charles De Gaulle - Bayeux, France

Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories

During World War II, the USA and UK plotted to place France under Allied administration after the war, instead of restoring the French government. Why would they consider this, and how different would the world today be if this had gone through? This article examines the political context and the personalities behind what happened.
A photo of the modern stained-glass windows in Saint-Jean de Montierneuf - Poitiers, France

A church for a cousin

In the 11th century the Duke of Aquitaine built an abbey in exchange for permission to marry a relative of his. It sounds like the ultimate form of privilege but is this fair, and what is the real story behind William's motives? This article explains the context behind this transaction and what the abbey looks like today.
A photo of the Macchi C.200

The bombing of RAF Kalafrana

On 9 May 1942, at the tail end of the Siege of Malta, an unexpected switch in Axis tactics led to loss of life at one of Malta's airfields. This article describes the situation at that point, and the details of the men who lost their lives that day.
A photo of the detailed stonework in the château of Châteaudun

The lost anti-Viking defence system

In the late 10th century, France faced with an economic crisis and an uneasy peace with the Vikings. Would the Vikings attack again? Or was their recent attempt at peace going to last?
A photo of the aircraft at Erding US Air Force base

RAF hijacking in Prague

In 1950, three ex-RAF pilots, persecuted by the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia, coordinated the hijacking of three flights, leading to a daring escape to the West.
A photo of Einstein's bust - Prague, Czechia

Einstein in Prague

Albert Einstein developed key aspects of relativity during his 1911-1912 stay in Prague, lecturing at the local university.

HMS Orwell

In 1903, a British navy drill off Corfu ended disastrously when HMS Orwell collided with HMS Pioneer during a night exercise.
A photo of the town hall - San Sebastián, Spain

The 1923 Spanish gambling ban

The town hall building in San Sebastian, built in the 1880s, has a rich history including the gambling ban in 1923. The ban led to the building's closure for almost 20 years before it was revived as a Town Hall in 1943. Today, it stands as a grand Belle Epoque landmark.