If it weren’t for the Roman Empire, would Italy have had the same impact on European life that it does right now?
We would certainly have lived in a different world if it weren’t for the Romans. Today, Italy continues to influence us in many subtle ways too.

Articles about Italy, by region
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All articles about Italy
- Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories February 5, 2025 - During World War II, the USA and UK plotted to place France under Allied administration after the war, instead of restoring the French government. Why would they consider this, and… Continue Reading
- The lost Judith bridge January 24, 2025 - Prague's Charles bridge is the main attraction in this medieval city. Few have heard of its predecessor and fewer have heard about the stories behind it. This article delves into… Continue Reading
- The bombing of RAF Kalafrana December 18, 2024 - On 9 May 1942, at the tail end of the Siege of Malta, an unexpected switch in Axis tactics led to loss of life at one of Malta's airfields. This… Continue Reading
- How the 1602 famine hit Malta and Sicily November 20, 2024 - We often don't think of how explosive and violent Mother Nature can be. In 1600 a volcano exploded in Peru, affecting life around the planet in many ways. In Malta,… Continue Reading
- The story behind a Maltese galleria October 30, 2024 - Maltese has adopted lots of Italian words over the years, much to the amusement of Italophones. It is rather curious then that some Italian words have a different meaning when… Continue Reading
- The Samo Empire February 21, 2024 - Samo, a French arms dealer, became king after leading a Slavic federation to victory against the Turks. He established the first Slavic state, which dissolved after his death in 658. Continue Reading
- Who would rule Italy? July 7, 2022 - In 1024, Italy tired of German rule and wondered if French nobility would like to be the King of Italy. Would this have been good for France, or would it… Continue Reading
- The big Celtic invasion of central Europe January 18, 2021 - The word Celtic drums up images of Ireland and other parts of the British Isles. Some of us may even know of the Celtic connection with Brittany and northern Spain.… Continue Reading
- The Schmalkaldic war September 21, 2020 - The Holy Roman Empire has a lot to answer for. Before it defined modern international relations, the Empire was going through the Reformation. This led to the tongue-twisting Schmalkaldic war. Continue Reading
- Why did the Pope want to move to Malta? June 1, 2020 - In the 19th century, various states on the Italian peninsula united to become a single, new country. While some papal states merged with the others, the Vatican refused to be… Continue Reading
- The Allied bombing of Prague May 18, 2020 - During World War II, Prague wasn't as affected by bombing as many other European cities were. This was because planes didn’t have the range to reach Prague, and also because… Continue Reading
- The powerful Anglo-Egyptian Bank in Malta May 4, 2020 - In the 19th century an offshore British bank in Malta issued its own banknotes. It's unusual to think of a private company issuing banknotes, more so in a small country… Continue Reading
- Italian political prisoners in Czechia March 30, 2020 - One of the most dangerous secret societies in 19th century Italy was the Carbonari. Fighting for a united Italy, many across Europe feared them and what they represented. This article… Continue Reading
- Preserving Malta’s money supply March 23, 2020 - European geopolitics in the 1930s caused plenty of uncertainty. The British worried about riots in the Middle East, and the possibility of another major war with Germany. They hatched a… Continue Reading
- Spanish steps February 10, 2020 - Rome’s Spanish steps are an iconic image of the city. People have loitered on the stairs since the 16th century. Not everyone knows the reason behind the name. Why would… Continue Reading
- The mystical messianic troglodyte of Comino January 20, 2020 - One early scholar of Kabbalah was a 13th century mystic called Abraham Abulafia. He had visions, tried to convince the Pope of his reasoning and lived in Malta. But who… Continue Reading
- In exile in Malta November 11, 2019 - The town of Sliema, Malta, is marked with high-rise apartment blocks and frustrating traffic. It was not always so and people have fond memories of days gone by. Few talk… Continue Reading
- How did the British take control of Malta? October 8, 2018 - I often discuss Maltese history with others and have written about unusual parts of it here. Often people claims that ‘the British illegally took control’ of the Maltese islands. This is… Continue Reading
- The shock of the 1908 tsunami in Malta August 20, 2018 - One side effect of an earthquake in a coastal region is a tsunami that rips through the sea around it. Malta is close to a major earthquake fault line. In… Continue Reading
- The Bridge of Fists April 23, 2018 - It was a hot and humid day, the type where the clammy air sticks to you and weighs at your temples. I strolled through an alley barely wider than my… Continue Reading
- The Spinsters’ Church November 6, 2017 - I hold on as the swaying of the boat almost makes me lose my balance. I am on a vaporetto heading to the Venetian island of Giudecca. I want to… Continue Reading
- Egypt and Malta – Unusual Historical Connections March 20, 2017 - Ask anyone in Malta to direct you to the Mosta Dome and you'll get immediate directions. Not all churches on the island are as well-known as this one is. Not… Continue Reading
- Astrological Signs in Milan’s Duomo August 29, 2016 - The Duomo in Milan - the huge marble cathedral that dominates the city - contains many artefacts and works of art. I wasn't expecting to see the astrological signs on… Continue Reading
- How to Drink Coffee Like a Local June 1, 2015 - You can study the tourist guide as much as you like, you can make sure to avoid looking at a map when you're on holiday and you can even perfect your… Continue Reading
- A Walking Guide to Rome – Rione II ‘Trevi’ May 25, 2015 - In the days of the Roman Empire Gaius Octavius, Caesar's adopted son, divided Rome into 14 subdivisions called Rione (Latin for region) which are synonymous with modern-day neighbourhoods. This guide will walk you… Continue Reading
- Shock, Terror and War – Bombing Via Rasella March 16, 2015 - Wherever you are in Europe, it is safe to say that you are no more than a stone's throw away from the location of some key historical event. Rome is… Continue Reading
- A Wonderful Walk In The Rain In Rome March 2, 2015 - It was the first time I'd done this, sitting at a cafe, watching. Just watching. Not talking and letting my sight wander while trying to follow some conversation with whomever I'm with. I… Continue Reading
- The Curious Story of the Slave and the Baker February 2, 2015 - Imagine what life must have been like in Ancient Rome. The hustle and bustle of the metropolis of the city-state that ruled the known world must have been awe-inspiring to… Continue Reading
- Anti-Mafia dining in Rome December 29, 2014 - There are many considerations that come to mind when choosing a restaurant - location, style, quality, parking maybe - but I've never found myself in a situation where I said… Continue Reading
- Apero O’Clock December 23, 2013 - There is a slight, imperceptible shift in the air. It is barely noticeable, and many of the Milanese in the Piazza Del Duomo around me continue with their lives. And… Continue Reading