One early scholar of Kabbalah was a 13th century mystic called Abraham Abulafia. He had visions, tried to convince the Pope of his reasoning and lived in Malta.
But who was this strange troglodyte?
There are a few chapels and churches around Malta which sport an intriguing Latin sign: “Non gode immunity ecclesiastica” ("Doesn't provide ecclesiastical immunity"). I wanted to understand why a church would not be a place of refuge, and why some other churches still were.
Rotundas used to be common in Central Europe. Prague was no exception and it is a shame so many have disappeared. This article explains how archaeologists re-discovered St Wenceslas’ rotunda which stood in the Lesser Town Square (Malostranské náměstí).
The Drahotuše ruins are magnificent – huge gnarled tree trunks grow through these ruins abandoned since the 15th century. Apart from a brisk hike through the forest, I discovered the
I often bookmark interesting articles and ✨ tips for places I want to visit. I organise these into an itinerary to make sure I don’t miss anything. This article is my guide to spending a weekend in Graz, Austria.
There weren’t many female physicians in the 19th century. Irishwoman Margaret Bulkley pretended to be a man for over 40 years to practise medicine. This article explains how this happened, Bulkley's life in Malta and how we know what happened.
If there is one constant in life, it’s that things never remain the same. Like all neighbourhoods, the one I live in, Holešovice, changes too. This article is a photographic ode to place I currently call home.
The criminals who built Frydberk ? castle terrorised the Bohemian countryside in mediaeval times. Conquered, plundered, turned into a ? brewery and then the Church built a place of worship out of its tower. This is the castle's amazing story ?
The town of Sliema, Malta, is marked with high-rise apartment blocks and frustrating traffic. It was not always so and people have fond memories of days gone by. Few talk about the Prince of Capua and the Russian connection.
Before living in Prague I thought I knew about the Sudetenland and how Hitler annexed it before World War II. There’s a lot I’ve learnt about the nuances of history in the region/s that carry this name. This article is my attempt at straightening out the facts from the commonly-held myths.